
Showing posts from September, 2020

Can Cats Eat Strawberries?

 Is it safe for your cat to eat strawberries? This is a question asked by many pet owners because they do not want their cats to eat the berries. It can be very dangerous to let your cat consume this type of berry if it contains cyanogenic glycosides, a known carcinogen.  Here is some information on how to answer this question. The answer to the question, " Can cats eat strawberries ?" maybe "yes." While strawberries are considered one of the tastiest foods, there are times when it is not safe for cats. Most veterinarians and health care providers will agree that feeding your cat strawberries will not harm them at all. There are only two health concerns associated with eating strawberries, and these concerns include cyanogenic glycosides, which are cancer-causing substances. The best way to avoid worrying about this is to buy organic fruits and vegetables and still eat them fresh. If you do not have access to fresh fruits and vegetables, there are other healthy food